Embers glow,
remnants of fire’s passion
before the flames were smothered
by lies.

Hope grows,
ashes reformed by the phoenix
rising to reclaim the heart broken
and left for dead.

Love knows,
touching that dark and hollow space
where love is meant to be,
eyes meet and souls join.

Desires in the dying coals revive again.

© Susan Schoeffield 2011
Through the window,
one can barely see the images
eclipsed by raindrops.
The visions of tomorrow
are obscured.
And hope remains bleak
as nature's dreary depression
drowns the spirit with its tears.

© Susan Schoeffield 2011 
A quiet, springtime morning
gives in to the power
of a seasonal rain.
 Soft, yet relentless,
clouds open up
and release their emotions
in a steady stream.

 © Susan Schoeffield 2011


    For me, there's no more rewarding form of writing than poetry.  I love creating characters and storylines, but the challenge of painting a landscape in a smaller setting of words puts me in closer touch with where I've come from and who I am.  While not always positive or flattering, the poems define the person beneath the mask.  The earlier dated posts on this page are incorporated from two previous websites.   


    May 2012